Elizabethan critical essays;
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- Publication date
- 1904
- Topics
- Poetry -- Early works to 1800, Criticism, English literature -- Early modern, 1500-1700 -- History and criticism, English essays, Criticism, English essays, English literature -- Early modern, Poetry
- Publisher
- Oxford, Clarendon Press
- Collection
- americana
- Book from the collections of
- unknown library
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 946.4M
2 volumes 21 cm
I. Introduction. Roger Ascham. "'Of imitation'": The scholemaster (book II) 1570. Richard Willes. From Poematum liber. 1573. George Gascoigne. Certayne notes of instruction. 1575. George Whetstone. The Dedication to Promos and Cassandra. 1578. Thomas Lodge. A defence of poetry. 1579. Spenser-Harvey correspondence. 1579-80. "'E.K.'" Epistle dedicatory to The shepheards calendar. 1579. Richard Stanyhurst. From the Dedication and preface to the translation of the Aeneid. 1582. Sir Philip Sidney. An apologie for poetrie. c. 1583. King James VI. Ane schort treatise conteining some reulis and cautelis to be obseruit and eschewit in Scottis poesie. 1584. William Webbe. A discourse of English poetrie. 1586. Abraham Fraunce. From the Arcadian rhetorike. 1588. Thomas Nash: I. Preface to Greene's Menaphon. 1589. II. From The anatomie of absurditie. 1589. Appendix. Notes
--II. Puttenham. The arte of English poesie. 1589. Sir John Harington. A preface ... prefixed to the translation of Orlando Furioso. 1591. Thomas Nash. Preface to Sidney's Astrophel and Stella. 1591. Gabriel Harvey. From Foure letters. 1592. Thomas Nash. From Strange newes ... 1592. Gabriel Harvey: I. From Pierce's Supererogation. 1593. II. From A new letter of notable contents. 1593. Richard Carew. The excellency of the English tongue.?1595-6. George Chapman: I. Preface to Seaven bookes of the Iliades of Homere. 1598. II. Dedication, &c. of Achilles shield. 1598. Francis Meres. From Palladis Tamia. 1598. William Vaughan. From The golden grove. 1600. Thomas Campion. Observations in the art of English poesie. 1602. Samuel Daniel. A defence of ryme.?1603. Appendix. Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index
I. Introduction. Roger Ascham. 'Of imitation': The scholemaster (book II) 1570. Richard Willes. From Poemat -- II. Juttenham. The arte of English poesie. 1589. Sir John Harington. A preface or rather a briefe apologie of poetrie, prefixed to the translation of Orlando Furioso. 1591. Thomas Nash. Preface to Sidney's Astrophel and Stella. 1591. Gabriel Harvey. From Foure letters. 1592. Thomas Nash. From Strange newes ... 1592. Gabriel Harvey: I. From Pierce's Supererogation. 1593. II. From A new letter of notable contents. 1593. Richard Carew. The excellency of the English tongue. ?1595-6. George Chapman: I. Preface to Seaven bookes of the Iliades of Homere. 1598. II. Dedication, &c. of Achilles shield. 1598. Francis Meres. From Palladis Tamia. 1598. William Vaughan. From The golden grove. 1600. Thomas Campion. Observations in the art of English poesie. 1602. Samuel Daniel. A defence of ryme. ?1603. Appendix. Notes.
- Addeddate
- 2009-03-01 19:19:53
- Copyright-region
- US
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- elizabethancrit00smitgoog
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t9p27753d
- Lccn
- 04017825
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 8.0
- Ocr_converted
- abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.11
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.14
- Page_number_confidence
- 80
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.5
- Pages
- 525
- Pdf_module_version
- 0.0.25
- Possible copyright status
- Scanner
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 349048
- Year
- 1904
- Full catalog record
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